Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Welcome to the Madhouse!

Hello, I am Nikki, a 34 year old Interactive Arts Student at Manchester Metropolitan University, and I am in my final year. In January I decided that I would like to recreate a "Modern" day version of Seurat's "Sunday Afternoon on the Island of La Grande Jatte", but instead of using paint, in a moment of shear madness, I decided that I would use hole punched dots.

This picture is of me and my beloved dog Maggie when she was a pup. Now two years old she is probably going to be the one thing that keeps my sanity over the next two months!

Anyway, I went to Paris at the end of January to research the Island where Seurat once parked his butt cheeks, and sketched for his fantastic painting.

On return from Paris I got my canvas organized, spent two weeks dotting away, then had to take time out to do journal writing for my course. So here we are eight and a half weeks left, (with a week to spare for emergencies), on a mission to complete this piece in time for our degree show.

I wanted to make this the exact measurements that Seurat used, so the canvas is 207.6cm by 308cm, split into 120 sheets of A4 paper, to manage the size. The Canvas takes over my friends lounge, which he has donated me to use as a studio for the next few months, as his is the only house it will fit in, in one room.

I have worked on these sheets so far for two weeks and have started to arrange them, and join them together to form my picture. In order for me to complete this I will have to do between 15-18 hours each day of sticking and arranging. Yes i am completely mad and luckily for me I don't sleep a lot! It will take approximately half a million dots to complete this picture.

I will update this blog every couple of days with my progress, and mishaps, so you can follow what I am doing, and hopefully this won't turn into me needing to be committed! I am kinda excited by this piece for two reasons. One being that I suffer from OCD so this is perfect for me, and the other is that I can't find any other artist who is stupid enough to attempt this before. So this is where i am up to. I Just wish I had thought of this in September, not January!


Anonymous said...

i've just heard the sad news about victor, i am sorry for your loss. I hope his predecessor will be as well loved and loyal. keep up the hard work niks, its looking good!!

Anonymous said...

well done nikki for making page 3.!!!
Can't believe what you have achieved it looks amazing.cograts and good luck with the degree always thought you were a bit trudi,rob and bradders